7.1 Technical Data and Limits
The performance curves are valid for homogeneous liquids with specific gravity = 1,viscosity 1
cPs and temperature of 20 °C. If the liquid to be pumped has a specific gravity higher than 1, the
absorbed power written on the performance curve has to be increased according to the value of
the specific gravity of the liquid. For liquids having specific gravity higher than 2, please contact
the Ekin Endüstriyel technical service.
The performance curves are valid for homogeneous liquids having viscosity of 1CPS. If the pumped
liquid has a viscosity different from 1 CPS the values of Q/H will be altered. The performance of
the pump will decrease. For liquids having viscosity lower than 0.5 CPS or greater than 150 CPS
please contact the Ekin Endüstriyel technical service.
Values of required NPSH written on the performance curves are the lower required values. As a
rule, for safety reasons, the value of NPSH of the system (NPSH available) should be at least 1
m higher than the value of NPSH required (written on the performance curves) to prevent lack of
lubrication or dry-running with consequent damage of the bearings. NPSHa can decrease with
the installation of a valve on the suction line. It is advisable to install a flow meter to check possible
changes of value.
Values of performances written on the curves refer to trial pumps during prototype phase.
In pumps manufactured in series such values can be lower. Usually these values have to be
considered as follows:
• Pumps with discharge up to 25mm: - 3 points
• Pumps with discharge superior to 25mm: - 2 points
Characteristics of pumps series HTM are guaranteed by the manufacturer with tolerances in
accordance with UNI EN ISO 9906:2002 regulation. With respect to other specifications or
regulations requiring more restricted tolerances, these have to be specifically asked for at the
moment of quotation; in this case Ekin Endüstriyel will choose a pump more suitable and the
required regulations will be considered.