Always verify the correct placement of the bearings and then use a hand press for
their complete introduction in seat. Make sure that when closing the pump, the o-ring is
perfectly in seat and is not pinched.
During the introduction of the pump on the motor pay attention to the magnetic attraction
that can cause injury to fingers or hands.
Use dynamometric wrench for the correct strength to tighten the bolts in accordance with the
chart of the following section 4.7.
After assembling the pump on the motor flange, remove temporarily the protective shield
on the fan at the back of the motor and rotate it by hand to check the free rotation of
the unite. In case of excessive friction or anomalous noises, disassemble the group
(instructions paragraph 4.4) and find out the cause of the problem. Never use the pump
without proceeding with this test. Reassemble the fan protective shield before starting
the pump. Do not start the pump if the fan protective shield is not installed.
4.6 Motor Replacement
Proceed as indicated in the previous paragraph 4.4.2. Make sure that the characteristics of
the motor are equal to those of the replaced motor. The manufacturer of the new motor can be
different from that of the motor already mounted.
4.7 Tightening Torque
The recommended tightening torque are written in the following chart: