3.3 Temperature
Increasing the temperature of the pumped liquid can damage the pump and/or the
piping/fittings and there can be a situation of serious danger for the people in the nearby.
Avoid sudden changes of the temperature and do not exceed the temperature specified
in your order. See the value of temperatures of the construction materials of the pumps
in the paragraph 3.1.
Some liquids react with water. Verify if the liquid to be pumped reacts with water. In this
case the system has to be completely emptied and dried.
When the pumping station is new, it’s necessary to fill the system with water to control
that there are no leaks. When the pump is installed over head it has to be primed, this
means that is has to be filled with the liquid and the suction piping has to be kept full of
liquid before starting the pump.
3.4 Before Starting
Make sure that the pump is installed in accordance with the instructions supplied in the previous
section 2.
3.5 Starting
Start the electric motor and gradually open the discharge pipe until you reach the required flow.
The pump can’t operate more than two or three minutes with the discharge closed. A longer
period can cause serious damage to the pump.
If the pressure shown on the pressure gauge on the discharge piping does not increase, stop the
pump immediately and release the pressure carefully.
Repeat the operation of installation of the pump as in paragraph 2.
If during the starting procedure there are changes of flow-rate, of density, temperature or viscosity
of the liquid, stop the pump and contact Ekin Endüstriyel technical service.
3.6 Optimum Conditions For Use
Operating continuously at the maximum performances (maximum capacity/head) there can be
an early wear of the pump. As a general rule, we recommend using the pump at half of its
maximum capacity (see the paragraph relative to the technical data) In any case do not allow the
pump to work out of curve.