Clearing the MUX-8A's Memor
Clearing the MUX-8A's Memor
Clearing the MUX-8A's Memor
Clearing the MUX-8A's Memor
Clearing the MUX-8A's Memoryyyyy
To clear the MUX-8A's memory perform the following:
1. Turn aircraft power off.
2. Set the "Factory Setup DIP Switch" up. When this switch is up, the clear memory feature is
enabled. This switch may be left in the up position.
3. Hold the "Control Switch" in the Download position and turn aircraft power on.
4. After five seconds the "Record Light" will come on, memory is cleared. If your monitoring the
RS-232 out, the screen will display "Memory Ceared."
Transmit F
ransmit F
ransmit F
ransmit F
ransmit Format f
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ofessional Data Recor
essional Data Recor
essional Data Recor
essional Data Recor
essional Data Recording Softwar
ding Softwar
ding Softwar
ding Softwar
ding Software
The following information is for those people intending to use the Data Recorder with Electronics
International's Professional Data Recording Software (DRS-18). The difference between the transmitted
data and the downloaded data is that the transmitted data comes from the instruments connected to the Data
Recorder and is recorded as it occurs (real time) to a P.C. Downloaded data comes from the Data
Recorder's internal memory and represents data that was recorded from instruments at an earlier date.
As the Data Recorder scans each enabled channel, it transmits a string of data called a record out the
RS-232 port. The DRS-18 software is designated to receive, format and store this data as it occurs. A
record starts with the "BBDR" declaration and ends with a carriage return (Cr) line feed (Lf). A comma is
used to separate each field in a record. The number of fields in a record depends on how many channels on
the Data Recorder are enabled and how many fields of data each instrument connected to the Data Re-
corder transmits. The transmitted data for a specific instrument may be found on the RS-232 (5V) Option
page shipped with each instrument or at the back of this manual. A sample record is shown below.
BBDR,OFF,{Channel #1 Data},{Channel #2 Data}, -------- ,{Channel #7 Data},GPS, {GPS Data} Cr Lf
This data is determined by which instru-
ment is connected to channel #1. Example:
If an R-1 reading 0 RPM is connected to
channel #1, the data would be: RPM,0000
Event Warning Line.
(can read: "(OFF)",
"OFF", "(ON)" or "ON"
Start of a record
If Channel # 8 is enabled, it must be
connected to a GPS instrument. See
the GPS RS-232 Data Sheet at the back
of this manual for data information.
End of a record
If an error occurs on any channel due to a problem in an instrument or data line, "ERROR CH1",
"ERROR CH2", "ERROR CH3", etc. will be placed in the record, indicating on which channel the error