Contact Fiery XF support if you are interested in implementing a workflow that is set up
for bi-directional communication. Be aware that your VUTEk printer must support bi-
directional communication and must have the correct printer software version installed.
• EFI Matan, EFI Reggiani
When you print to file, print files are saved as separated TIFFs to the specified export
folder. For some printers, you can select an export folder that resides in the network. In
this case, you must enter your access rights to the folder. To select a network folder, the
Fiery XF client must be running on the same computer as the Fiery XF server.
9 Click Continue.
10 Select the type of ink that is inserted in the printer, the name of the media you want to use,
and a calibration set for the chosen media.
The calibration set defines a set of print conditions and ensures that the printer’s behavior is
adjusted optimally to the media.
11 Click Continue.
12 Select your media size.
13 Finish the setup wizard.
Your system environment is shown in System Manager. For more information on customizing
workflow settings, see the Fiery XF online help.
Program windows
In System Manager, you define workflow settings and set up the printer. The workflow
settings are applied by default to all jobs that you load in Job Explorer.
In Job Explorer, you import jobs, and print them. You can apply job settings to individual
jobs. Job settings override the workflow settings.
To switch between program windows, click the appropriate tab located above the toolbar.
System configuration
The system configuration defines:
• User access to each workflow.
• Workflow settings that are applied to all jobs that are submitted to that workflow.
• Output device settings.
• Users
Fiery XF is set up with two default users. The user “admin” (password: admin) is permitted
to create, set up and manage system environments in System Manager and to print and
manage jobs in Job Explorer. The user “guest” (password: guest) is permitted to print and
manage print jobs in Job Explorer, but does not have access to System Manager.