Operation Manual (ITX2)
5.5 Charging the battery
The ITX2 can operate on battery power for several hours when fully charged. When the unit
approaches a low charge state, the battery indicator appears and starts to blink slowly.
To maintain good battery health and ensure the longest useful battery life, follow these
recommendations for charging the battery:
1. Use
the battery pack and replacement battery pack available from Effigis.
2. Use only the chargers available through Effigis. The battery charges at a rate of
0.6A/h. A fully discharged battery will be recharged to approximately 90% after
6 hours. The ITX2’s status LED will turn off if the device is not operating, or be lit
green if the device is operating only when the battery is fully charged.
3. Charge the unit at room temperature. Do not place the unit in a location where
temperature extremes occur during charging. The ITX2 is equipped with additional
protection to prevent the battery from charging when its temperature is below 0°C
(32°F) or above 40°C (104°F).
4. It is possible to charge the unit for a short period (e.g. 15 minutes) and return to
using it on battery power when immediate use is required. You should, however,
fully recharge the unit at the earliest opportunity (e.g. end of work shift).
The ITX2 is equipped with a protection against deeply discharged cells that allows you to
charge them even if this situation occurs. It is critical to note that a deep discharge reduces
the lifetime of the battery pack and care must be taken to avoid this situation.
5.6 Using the ITX2 for autonomous detection
The ITX2 can be used for autonomous detection when used with an ARD4, the central control
module of the CPAT FLEX platform. To do so, the ITX2 must be linked to the ARD4 using the
USB cable.
Once connected the ARD4 will power On/Off and configure the ITX2. The ITX2 will transmit
as long as the ARD4 records, and the GPS signal is valid. The ITX2 transmission will only be
used for reading via the RIM application if the vehicle’s speed is below the threshold (default
is 5 km/h). If the vehicle moves faster than the threshold speed, the IRX1, IRXD and IRXP will
also use ITX2 transmission to record ingress points and transmit them to the CPAT database
integration process.