Operation Manual (ITX2)
Do not change the antenna type unless you are physically connecting a
different antenna.
Effigis offers other types of antennas that can be used with the ITX2.
Regardless of the antenna you are using, it is very important to make sure the
ITX2’s settings match the actual antenna type connected to the unit in order to
transmit at a similar level and be able to compare ingress readings. Using an
antenna that is not authorized by Effigis, or setting up the ITX2 with the wrong
antenna type will result in erroneous readings.
This menu displays the active test carrier signal transmission frequency. Considering that it is
hardware-dependent and set at the factory, it cannot be modified through the interface. The
transmission frequency can be 6.78 MHz, 27.12 MHz. or 40.68 MHz.
The ITX2’s display is backlit to facilitate reading content in various lighting condition. However,
to maximize battery life, it is programmed to automatically turn off after a specified period
of keypad inactivity.
The backlight delay can be selected from one the following values: always ON, 10 sec
(default), 30 sec, 60 sec or OFF.
The contrast level can be adjusted in this menu, by specifying a value from 1 (lowest) to 10
(highest). The default value is 6.
This menu displays the active firmware version.
See section “Updating the ITX2’s Firmware” for information on how firmware
updates can be performed.
5.4 Using the ITX2 as a Portable Transmitter
Once it is fully booted up, the ITX2 starts to transmit, using the active parameters. If required,
adjust the power level and the antenna type to optimize ingress detection.
The ingress level can be accessed through a computer or a smart phone with a web browser
pointing to the following link:
Access to readings through the RIM is restricted to CPAT users. Use the same username
and password to log into the RIM. The list of available ITX2 units is built using the regions, or
PSIDs, granted to the group the username belongs to.
Once connected to a specific ITX, the readings are updated every second. If no ingress is
measured at the headend from a particular ITX, you will see the value “--“. In all other cases,
the ingress level measured at the headend will be displayed in dBmV.