UPS: MKD 700
– 3000 VA RT (XL)
card is also configurable so that the configuration and switching performance
can essentially be defined.
Details about the card and the connection can be found in the operating manual
for the relay card.
Communication adapter SNMP
The SNMP adapter integrates the UPS into a network and communicates via
TCP/IP, Telnet or FTP. After assigning an individual IP-address, the UPS can
be accessed from any location, which is of particular interest for remote
administration and maintenance of the equipment.
Fig. 15-2 SNMP adapter for connecting the UPS to a network.
The SNMP adapter can easily be slid into the adapter slow (INTELLIGENT
SLOT, SNMP) of the UPS device and only has to be connected with a network
For additional information about this product and the associate software please
contact our sales and service center.
External by-pass
An external by-pass system allows the operation of the loads in two different
paths. In UPS operating mode (Fig. 15-3) the UPS system is integrated into the
current path and the loads are protected in the usual manner. In by-pass mode
(Fig. 15-4), the loads are directly connected to the mains power supply and the
UPS input and output are isolated.