www.efd-inc.com [email protected]
USA & Canada 800.556.3484 44 (0) 1582 666334 Asia & China: +86 (21) 3866 9006
Sales and service of EFD
dispensing systems are available worldwide.
Basic Menu
The Pressure Alarm can activate the Alarm Output
Signal on the digital I/O connector. A check mark in
the box next to Enable Pressure Alarm Output Signal
indicates that the Alarm Output signal is enabled for
Pressure Alarm signals.
The Pressure Alarm Signal can be latched. When
a Pressure Alarm occurs and it is latched, the user
must reset the Alarm before dispense cycles can be
resumed. To reset the Pressure Alarm, view the
main screen and use the Up/Down (8/2) keys and
the Left/Right (4/6) keys to select the Pressure
Alarm. Pressing the F2 (Reset) function key will
reset the Pressure Alarm. A check mark in the box
next to Enable Pressure Alarm Latching indicates the
Pressure Alarm Latch is enabled.
The Auto Increment Alarm will activate when Auto
Increment is active, the memory address is set at
the End Address and the dispense count/timer has
passed the Trigger value. The Auto Increment Alarm
is enabled when a check mark is shown in the box
next to Enable Auto Increment Alarm.
The Auto Increment Alarm can activate the Alarm
Output Signal on the digital I/O connector. A check
mark in the box next to Enable Auto Inc Alarm
Output Signal indicates that the Alarm Output Signal
is enabled for Auto Increment Alarms.
The Auto Increment Alarm is always latched.
To reset the Auto Increment Alarm, view the main
screen and use the Up/Down (8/2) keys and the
Left/Right (4/6) keys to select the Auto Increment
Alarm. The F2 function key will now be labeled
‘RESET’. Pressing the F2 function key will reset
the Auto Increment Alarm.