DE285 HD Caption Decoder/VANC Monitor
XDS Decoder
The middle section of the screen contains the XDS Decoder module
which displays decoded XDS data on the left and the raw XDS pack-
ets on the right. The decoded XDS fields shown on the left include the
Net Station, the Program Name, the Rating, CGMS, the Description, the
Program Type and the Program ID.
On the left, the raw XDS data in hex pair format can be sorted by type,
name or how recently it has been updated. To view the raw XDS click on
button located to the left of the packet to expand the packet and
view the data. To hide the XDS decoder module, click on the upwards
arrow at the top right hand corner. To expand the module, click the
downwards arrow at the top right hand corner. The same hide/expand
feature is also available for only the raw XDS Packet chart on the right.
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