Deutronic Elektronik GmbH
Deutronicstr. 5, D - 84166 Adlkofen
Tel.: +49 8707 920-0
Fax: +49 8707 1004
E-Mail: [email protected]
Stand: 08.03.2022
Seite 6 von 25
Service, Maintenance and Support
Service, maintenance and support are carried out by Deutronic or partners of Deutronic.
Accessory and Spare Parts
Accessories and spare parts are obtained from:
Deutronic Elektronik GmbH
Deutronicstraße 5
D-84166 Adlkofen
Tel: +49 8707 920-0
Environmental Protection
The products by Deutronic are designed with eco-design in mind to minimize their impact
on the environment. The following characteristics are considered as standard by Deutronic
during the design of our products:
The products by Deutronic are made out of high-quality materials to maximize their
The product design allows the separation of different materials for reprocessing and
efficient recycling.
Deutronic is always working to further develop its products and to continuously
reduce the environmental impact of them.
Deutronic’s products serve to use energy more efficiently and thereby reduce the everyday
environmental impact. Deutronic tries to mitigate the impact on people and the
environment during the entire product cycle and to return as much as possible to the
material cycle. It is important that the user handles all products with care and uses them
For information on the return and disposal of the products, see chapter Disposal.