The “Advanced” page allows you to upgrade the network camera’s firmware,
backup or restore the network camera’s settings, and reset or restart the
network camera. Please check the Edimax website for the latest firmware for
your network camera.
Do not switch off or disconnect the device during a firmware
upgrade, as this could damage the device.
Firmware Filename
Click “Browse” to locate the firmware file on
your computer.
Upgrade Firmware
Click to upgrade the firmware to your
selected file.
Backup Settings
Click “Apply” to save the current settings on
your computer as config.bin file.
Restore Settings
Click “Browse” to find a previously saved
config.bin file and then click “Upload” to
replace your current settings.
Click “Restart Network Camera” to restart the
network camera. Please wait a couple of
minutes for network camera to boot up after
a restart. Restarting will not affect the
camera’s current configuration.
Reset to default
Select “Keep Network Settings” or “Default