Fig 2-4
Rack-mounting ES4710BD Wearing an ESD Wrist Strap
An ESD Wrist Strap must be worn during the installation of the switch. To prevent any
damage occurring to the device, avoid contact between the printed circuit boards and your
clothing. Avoid bodily contact with components on the circuit boards if possible.
To wear an ESD Wrist Strap:
Step 1: place your hand into the ESD wrist strap
Step 2: tighten the fastener and ensure that it makes maximum contact with the skin
Step 3: Insert the equipment end of the strap into the antistatic socket (indicated by an
ESD symbol) in the switch front panel
2.3.2 Switch grounding
A good grounding system is the groundwork for the smooth and safe operation of the
ES4700BD, and an excellent way to prevent lightning strikes and resistance interference.
Please follow the switch grounding specification instructions, verify the installation site’s
grounding condition and ensure proper grounding accordingly.
Proper grounding
When using an AC power source, the device must be grounded with the green
and yellow ground cables, otherwise, shock hazards may occur when insulation
resistance between the internal power supply and the chassis degrades.