The Front Panel view is shown below:
Fig 1-21 EM4710BD-AC Front Panel view
1.4.4 Power Distribution Box ES4704BD Power Distribution Box
There is a special A.C. distribution box on the backboard of ES4704BD switch.
In generally, the enterprises users usually ask for the 90~264VAC access. The panel
of A.C. distribution box is equipped with a 90~264VAC socket for provide power supply to
the equipment. At the same time, it provides power supply to the two power supply
modules. After the D.C. output is disposed on the backplane, it provides power supply to
the modules and fan tray. The lower part of the power supply socket is equipped with a
locking ring, which is used to fix the power supply lines to prevent unexpected
disconnection and make the wiring more convenient. The distribution box is equipped with
a grounding terminal at its lower right part, which is used for grounding the switch..
The Front Panel view is shown below:
Fig 1-22 EM4704BD Power Distribution Box Panel view ES4710BD Power Distribution Box