5.1 Properties
- CAN-BUS first message ID for the device output data stream
- delay times for transition between device states
Power save
- timeout from POWER SAVE ENTRY PROC to POWER SAVE (complete
device turn off)
Emerg. kill
- timeout from EMERGENCY ENTRY PROC to OFF
PMU/ECU output
- configuration of output used to shut down the engine
Run mode
- state of output during normal device operation (12v (max 3Amp), 0V (max 3
amp) or High -Z)
Kill mode
- state of output when engine shutdown is desired ("kill: on" on state machine
Current limit
– current value, if exceeded that will turn device to go to OFF state immediately
Emerg. kill ID
- CAN ID for receiving emergency shutdown information from CAN-BUS
Battery saver -
function to disconnect battery if voltage drops below threshold for long time
- enables battery saver functionality
Threshold voltage -
voltage below which
starts counting. If voltage rise above
threshold voltage during timeout, the timeout timer resets.
Timeout -
time which needs to pass with voltage below
Threshold voltage
to activate
CAN Bus shutdown function is activated when the message with first data byte is different from 0x00
is received. Other message bytes are irrelevant. If the first byte is equal to 0x00 the function is not
For reliable operation only one device on CAN-BUS can transmit with a particular ID.
To be able to be shut down by different devices, Battery Isolator will listen to four message IDs
starting from Emerg. kill ID
For example, Emerg. kill ID is 0x0FC. The device will shut down when receiving messages with IDs
0x0FC, 0x0FD, 0x0FE, 0x0FF with first data byte will be set to anything from 0x01 to 0xFF.
General options
Dis. emerg. switch
- disables emergency switch input
Dis. CAN LED warn.
- disables blue warning flash when CAN-BUS is not connected
Ena. CAN terminator
- enables CAN-BUS internal 120Ohm terminator available from
hardware RevD