Short cycle protection (AScT)
Electronic control incorporates anti-short-cycle timer
(ASCT) feature designed to protect compressor from short
cycling. ASCT is activated immediately following off cycle
of outdoor unit. Once room temperature is satisfied and
outdoor unit switches Off, ASCT will not allow outdoor unit
to restart until 3 minute time period has elapsed.
Feature prevents compressor and heat source from rapid
restarts. Once switched off, or following power outage,
compressor or heat source does not restart for minimum of
3 minutes.
Staggered Start Protection
Designed for systems with electric heat, in heat pump and
dry modes staggered-start feature prevents compressor
and electric heater from starting simultaneously. There is
30 second delay between start of compressor and start of
electric heater while in Dry mode and Heat pump mode.
Minimum Run Tim
Minimum on time prevents compressor or heat source
from cycling off prematurely. Minimum ON time for both
compressor and electric heat is 2 minutes.
Drain Pan Sensor
Drain pan sensors monitor condensate level in each of
unit's drain pans. Should water in either pan reach criti
cal level, monitor automatically signals main control unit.
Microprocessor switches off condensing unit for minimum
of 3 minutes and until fault condition has been cleared, to
prevent further condensate production. Fault code, flashes
on controller’s LED display, automatically reset once fault
condition is cleared.
Unit is equipped with annunciation feature — controller will
beep, providing user with audio feedback confirming the
microprocessor has received its commands.
Memory backup
In event of power failure control retains all of it’s settings,
including mode of operation. When power is restored,
control returns to mode of operation that it was in prior to
power failure, after 3 minute time delay.