Inspect Venting & Air Intake System - Operate boiler.
Verify all vent/air intake connections are gas-tight and
water-tight. Repair any leaks immediately.
Inspect Condensate Drain - Verify all connections are
watertight, and condensate fl ows freely. Repair any leaks
Inspect System Piping - Verify all connections are
watertight. Repair any leaks immediately.
Test Ignition System Safety Shutoff
Turn off manual gas shut off valve.
Set thermostat to call for heat.
Boiler begins normal sequence of operation.
After approximately 30 seconds (pre-purge and igniter
warm-up period), lamp D illuminates, indicating gas
valve is powered.
After 4 seconds, gas valve closes, lamp D goes out as
integrated boiler control senses fl ame is not present.
To restart system, follow operating instructions. See
“Startup” on page 23.
Test And Adjust High Limit Control
At initial start up, with Economy Feature activated,
control establishes 145°F target temperature.
While burner is operating, adjust setting on high limit
control below actual boiler water temperature.
Burner should go off while circulator continues to
Raise limit setting above boiler water temperature and
burner should re-ignite after pre-purge and igniter
warm-up period.
Set high limit control to design temperature
requirements of system.
Maximum high limit setting is 190°F.
Minimum high limit setting is 100°F.
After testing, restore Economy setting. If heating
demand is high, target will increase over time to satisfy
heat load.
See Manufacturer provided literature for specifi c
features of high limit control.
Test Other Safety Controls
If boiler is equipped with low water cut off, manual reset
high limit, or additional safety controls, test for operation
as outlined by control manufacturer.
Burner should be operating and should go off when controls
are tested.
When safety controls are restored, burner should re-ignite.
Set Thermostat Heat Anticipator (If Used) And Verify
Thermostat Operation
Set heat anticipator at 0.7 amps for single thermostat
connected to yellow thermostat lead wires in furnished
fi eld wiring junction box.
For other wiring confi gurations, refer to instructions
provided by thermostat manufacturer regarding
adjustment of heat anticipator.
Cycle boiler with thermostat.
Raise thermostat to highest setting.
Verify boiler goes through normal start up cycle.
Lower thermostat to lowest setting and verify boiler
shuts off.
Measure Natural Gas Input Rate
Correct input rate is essential for proper and effi cient
operation of burner and boiler.
Determine elevation at installation site.
See “Boiler Ratings & Capacities” on page 4.
determine correct approximate input rate for local
Obtain yearly average heating value of local gas utility.
At sea level elevation, approximately 1000 BTU per
standard cubic foot.
Operate boiler for 5 minutes.
Turn off all other gas appliances, extinguishing standing
pilots where applicable.
At gas meter, measure time in seconds required to use
one cubic foot of gas.
Calculate “input rate”. Refer to following formula:
Btuh Input Rate = 3600 x Heating Value From Step 3
Time In Seconds From Step
Measured input rate should be 0/-2% of
input rating found in step 2. See “Adjustments And
Checkout” on page 27.