Condensate Drain Requirements
Pitch condensate drain line down to fl oor drain
at minimum of ¼” per foot (21mm/m). External
condensate pump (not furnished) may be used if
fl oor drain is not available. Condensate pump must be
designed for fl ue gas condensate application.
Condensate trap is proved with boiler.
Build condensate trap in the fi eld. See Figure 7.
Wood frame or blocks may be used to raise boiler
to maintain drain pitch or to be above external
condensate pump reservoir.
115 volt AC receptacle provided on service switch
junction box which is located at boiler right side,
to provide power for external condensate pump (if
Condensate Drain Piping
Condensate trap is to be fi eld installed as shown in
Figure 7
Provided are ½” PVC fi ttings for condensate drain
trap (assembled in fi eld).
The ½” diameter schedule 40 PVC condensate
drain piping and pipe fi ttings must conform to ANSI
standards and ASTM D1785 or D2846.
Schedule 40 PVC cement and primer must conform
to ASTM D2564 or F493. In Canada, use CSA or ULC
certifi ed schedule 40 PVC drain pipe and cement.
Condensate pump with reservoir (not furnished) may
be used to remove condensate to drain line (sanitary
line) above boiler if fl oor drain is not available or is
Filling Condensate Trap With Water
Manually fi ll condensate trap at initial start up with water.
Following steps are required to fi ll condensate trap for
start up. Steps are only required at initial start up or if
maintenance requires draining of condensate trap:
Pour about 1 cup of cold tap water into condensate trap
Excess water will go through condensate drain line.
Verify proper operation of drain line (and external
condensate pump if used).
Chilled Water Piping
Install boiler used in connection with refrigeration system,
so chiller medium is piped in parallel with boiler with
appropriate valves to prevent chilled medium from entering
Boiler piping system of hot water boiler connected to
heating coils located in air handling units where they may
be exposed to refrigerated air circulation must be equipped
with fl ow control valves or other automatic means to
prevent gravity circulation of boiler water during cooling
- Condensate Trap and Vent
Figure 7
To Exhaust Vent
(2” CPVC)
½” Adapter
Male NPT x Socket
Weld PVC Piping
1 3/8” Long
To Boiler Flue Outlet (2” CPVC)
2” Unthreaded Male x 2” NPT Male PVC Bushing
1/2” Unthreaded PVC Elbow
1/2” Unthreaded PVC Piping 3 3/4” Long
1/2” Unthreaded PVC Elbow
1/2” Unthreaded PVC Piping 2” Long
1/2” Unthreaded PVC Piping 3 3/4” Long
1/2” Unthreaded PVC Tee
To Condensate Drain (Field Supplied)
2” NPT Male PVC Bushing
1/2” Unthreaded PVC Piping 12” Long