Q: When using the docking station function, sometimes the mopping
pads rotate only and I need to wait for a long time. (Europe only.)
A: (1) Please ensure that the energy consumption mode is set to standard mode
in the App.
(2) In energy saving mode, the docking station is in deep sleep, it will take a certain
amount of time to wake up. To ensure a better experience, we recommend
selecting standard mode.
YIKO Voice Assistant
Q: How do I enable the smart voice assistant YIKO?
A: After connecting the robot with the ECOVACS HOME App successfully, confirm
that voice wake-up function is enabled in the App settings. You can wake up
DEEBOT by saying “OK YIKO,” so that it can respond to the corresponding voice
Q: What do I do if I don't want to enable YIKO?
A: Please disable the voice wake-up function in App > Robot Control Interface >
Settings > YIKO Voice Assistant > Turn Off Robot Voice Wake-up. The Auto light
will turn orange. The robot will be muted and unable to respond to YIKO
Q: Unable to control Area Cleaning with YIKO voice assistant.
A: Please do a full mapping or cleaning to generate a complete map of your home,
before matching the names and types of each area of your home to the actual