This electric heater shall not be operated by physically disabled and mentally infirm individuals and/or
individuals without the necessary qualification and/or experience (unless they are given special training).
Never permit CHILDREN to interfere with the heater operation.
Be sure to understand well and observe the instructions for heater safe operation and installation.
- After removal of the package, be sure to check the integrity of the heater and availability of all accessories.
- Protection class of this electrical heater is IP X4, valid after installation at the operating site.
Make sure that the heater type is appropriate for your intended application.
It is advisable to have a project developed for every specific installation.
Installation shall only be made by qualified authorized personnel.
Heater installation shall be in conformity with the currently valid regulations, standards and this instruction
Heater connection to the power mains shall be approved (if required) by the local power distribution operator;
the user shall make the necessary arrangements prior to heater purchase.
Heater adjustment and commissioning shall only be made by the vendor’s approved service engineer.
-Incorrect installation can result in damages and the vendor shall not be liable for such damages.
In case of failure, contact the authorized service. Non-professional intervention can result in heater damages.
Preventive maintenance shall be provided at least once a year to ensure proper performance, safety and long
service life for the heater.
Vendor shall not be liable for any damage attributable to non-professional installation and/or disregard to the
recommendations and/or the operating instructions; no maintenance services will be due in that case.
Heating systems shall be provided with vent valves in dedicated points, as required.
No modifications are allowed to be made on the electric diagram of this device, except for connection of a
room temperature controller.
- Hydraulic and thermal testing shall be performed on every heating system upon commissioning.
- This electric heater can be operated at 80
С max at operating pressure of 1, 8 bar in a separate heating loop.
- The installer company shall provide information to the customer on the rules of operation of the heating
system in general.
This continuous flow electric heater is a modern, environmentally friendly heat source, intended for floor and
central heating application for small and medium size residential and business buildings. The basic advantages
of electric heating are primarily these: highly efficient, environmentally friendly performance, compact design
and power saving features. This electric heater can be used for any heating system of the central or single floor
(local) types, in a direct, accumulating or hybrid diagram. It can also be integrated in existing heating systems,
in parallel with a heater running on solid fuel. Electric heaters shall be installed in systems provided with
pumps to ensure forced circulation of the heating fluid.