React Pump Installation
© 2019 EcoInnovation Ltd (NZ) V2.1
Page 80
5.3. How to land mount the React pump
If your water resource:
does not easily allow for a pontoon solution
has a suction lift <3m and is not prone to high flooding
has a suction lift <6m, is not prone to high flooding and you are happy to manually
prime the React pump
is in a deep ravine and you intend to use a submersible lift pump
Then the instructions that follow illustrate how to install the React pump on land.
React pump base
You will need to make a treated timber base as shown below. NZ clients can buy this base if
This React pump base is easy and quick to make from:
2 x 50x50x1200mm fence battens
4 x 100mm long stainless tek screws
The 90mm long arms are for mounting the base to 4 pegs as shown next.