React Pump Installation
© 2019 EcoInnovation Ltd (NZ) V2.1
Page 74
How to make a simple plastic pallet pontoon (1-2 React pumps)
Using a surplus plastic black HDPE pallet is even faster to make a pontoon solution. This
can be combined with the floats used in the previous example or (in the case of 2 x React
pump’s) with larger floats, both options are shown below.
These larger floats can hold 33kg of water (EcoInnovation can supply these floats to NZ
clients only).
This took less than 20 minutes to make at a cost of <$200NZ (almost all the cost was the
new floats) the plastic pallet was obtained for free.
Testing buoyancy of the pontoon prior to connecting: suction pipe, foot valve, filter sock,
supply pipe and power cable
Mass of pontoon & 1
React pump
Mass of pontoon & 2
React pump’s
Mass of water to fill floats Ratio
45 kg
63 kg
132 kg