Producing a .dbc File
A .dbc file describes to the device receiving data from one or more LambdaCAN and/or
NOxCAN(g) modules what is in the data packages. For each module, the packages will
contain data for the parameters selected in the activated TPDOs and an error code. The
Configuration Software has a tool called “Generate .dbc…” that will generate a .dbc file for
all the LambdaCAN and NOxCAN(g) modules on a CAN bus. Make sure that each module
is configured as desired and that all modules are on the bus before the “Generate .dbc…”
button is pushed. Data package information from all the modules is stored in the one .dbc
file produced.
Programs importing the .dbc file and applying it to the CAN data transmitted by the modules
will see data, etc identified as follows:
where: name = parameter name. See Table 3 for LambdaCAN, Table 4 for NOxCAN(g)
nid = node id of module in hex
units = units of parameter
for example: O2_0X01[%] which is the %O2 measured by module with nid 0X01
Error code:
where nid = node id of module hex
error code is in hex and given in Table 5
for example: ECM_Error_Code_0x11
ECM_Auxiliary _time[sec]
where: time = decrementing countdown to module activation in hex
for example: ECM_Auxiliary_0X12[sec]