Change Node ID:
Allowable range 0x01 to 0x7F (hex). When you assign a Node ID (NID),
the following CAN IDs
cannot be used
by any other devices on the bus:
0x00, 0x80 + NID, 0x180 + NID, 0x280 + NID, 0x380 + NID, 0x480 + NID,
0x580 + NID, 0x600 + NID, 0x700 + NID, 0x7E4, 0x7E5.
View Module Information:
Manufacturer’s Name, Hardware Version, Software Version
Set Broadcast Rate:
All activated TPDOs are transmitted every “n” milliseconds. “n” can
be programmed. 5 ms is the minimum. Data is sent at a baud rate of 500 kbps.
Minimum broadcast rate (ms) = total number of TPDOs for all modules x 0.3125
Set Averaging Filters:
Lambda (i.e. O2R, IP1, IP1R, LAMR, AFR, PHI, FAR,
LAM, O2, IP1X), NOx (i.e. NOx, IP2, IP2R), and Pressure (i.e. PR16, PR10, PCF,
P) data are averaged prior to broadcast. There are three averaging filters (alpha
numbers): One for Lambda (all of: O2R, IP1, IP1R, LAMR, AFR, PHI, FAR, LAM,
O2, IP1X are acted upon by this same filter), one for NOx (all of: NOx, IP2, IP2R are
acted upon by this same filter), and one for Pressure (all of: PR16, PR10, PCF, P are
acted upon by this same filter). Data is averaged every 5 ms independent of the
broadcast rate using the alpha number according to the formula: AvgData
= alpha x
+ (1-alpha) x AvgData
. If an alpha is set to 1.000, there is no averaging and
hence the instantaneous measured data is sent.
Enter Fuel Constants:
H:C, O:C, and N:C ratios or if the fuel is H2. Defaults: H:C = 1.85,
O:C = 0, N:C = 0
Enter Pressure Sensor Constants:
N and C are the gain and offset of the pressure sensor.
N and C are written on a label attached to the pressure sensor. P (psia) = N x (V - C).
V = voltage from sensor. See Appendix C.
Span O2:
User enters displayed %O2 (TPDO data) and the actual %O2 of the span gas.
This is how you calibrate the Lambda sensor and the O2 (and Lambda) measurement
function of the NOx sensor. See Appendix C.
Zero NOx (NOxCAN(g) only):
User enters displayed NOx value (TPDO data) and the
actual NOx value of the “zero” gas. Zero gas does not necessarily have
to be exactly zero. A non-zero value can be entered. See Appendix C.
Span NOx (NOxCAN(g) only):
User enters displayed NOx value (TPDO data) and the
actual NOx value of the gas. See Appendix C.
Open Lambda/O2 Delta Tables:
There are two tables. The first, the Delta O2 Table,
allows modification of calculated %O2 via a user-entered look-up table. Delta O2
Table entries will not influence Lambda, AFR, FAR or PHI values. The second, the
Delta Lambda Table, allows modification of calculated Lambda (and hence AFR,
FAR, and PHI) via a user-entered look-up table. The Delta Lambda table will not
influence O2 values. See Appendix C.
Select NOx Curve (NOxCANg only):
Match engine (wet) data or model gas data.
Set NOx Gamma/Beta (NOxCANg only):
User enters parameters for O2 compensation.
Hardware Reset:
Equivalent to powering the module down then up again.
Reset TPDOs to Factory Settings:
These are the parameters displayed and transmitted.
TPDO stands for Transmit Process Data Object.
Toggle Sensor Settings:
Allows power to ceramic sensor to be turned on and off (Default:
On) and enables rapid sensor warm-up scheduling (Default: On (fast)).
Toggle Pressure Compensation:
Enable and disable pressure compensation of O2
AFR, FAR, PHI) data. Default: On.
Toggle TPDO CAN ID Auto Set
: Enable and disable TPDO CAN ID Auto Set.
Table 2: Task List for LambdaCAN, NOxCAN, and NOxCANg Modules