Installation Wiring Guide - Cars
You are welcome to ask Ecliptech if we have any details for fitting your car. Please
advise model/year when enquiring. Alternatively, www.modifiedlife.com and
www.the12volt.com are excellent free sources for wiring information. Our database
grows from customer installation feedback. Any pictures or wiring info you can provide
are kept as reference for other drivers with the model car.
For vehicles, the easiest place to connect ground is at a local chassis ground point,
around the instrument and pedal area. Take the panel off above the pedals, which is
where you usually find the fuse panel. Look around this area and there is often a bolt
on the chassis frame with one or more wires bolted to it. Connect the Shift-I’s ground
to one of these wires.
If you are connecting the ignition and tacho wires at the instruments wiring harness,
usually it is convenient to wire the ground to the same harness.
Never connect the ground wire near the ignition coils.
This wire needs to be connected to a circuit that provides 12 volt power when the
ignition is switched on. Do not use accessories, as this power usually switches off
while cranking. Never connect the power near the ignition coils.
If you are connecting the tacho at the instruments wiring harness, usually it is
convenient to wire the ignition there also.
Alternatively, the key barrel, fuse panel and radio wiring is the easiest to locate. You
can use a multimeter to find a suitable wire, or look for information on the previous two
websites mentioned for more specific information.
If you do not have a tacho gauge or it is cable driven, then you will need to connect the
tacho to the ECU/Igniter’s output, or at the coil.
Many of the late 90’s through to ~2005 models have a dedicated tacho signal going
from the ECU to the instrument.
With some vehicles, such as earlier model Porsches, the tacho signal is also available
at the diagnostic connector (as well as ground and ignition).