Q: I'm a Gigasampler user. Anything I should know about?
Yes. Unfortunately, Gigasampler does not work with Mona, Layla24 or
Gina24 at this time. Nemesys (makers of Gigasampler) will be releasing an
update patch soon that will add support for Mona, Layla24 and Gina24. We
will also be releasing a driver update at that time. Both the Gigasampler
patch and the Echo driver update will be required to use Gigasampler with
our new products.
Q: Once I get the update, is there anything else I should know about?
Yes. Gigasampler will not work if you have DirectSound enabled. You
will need to go into the DirectSound property page and disable
DirectSound. If you have more than one of our cards, you need to disable
DirectSound for each card.
Q: I'm a Reaktor user. Anything I should know about?
Be sure that you enable multi-client audio in the driver property page, or
Reaktor will tell you that the hardware can't handle full-duplex audio.