that is also set up to use our hardware. For more information on multi-client
mode, please refer to the “Multi-client audio FAQ” in this manual.
Q: OK, so how should I deal with this?
Cubase VST comes with a program called “Setup MME”. You can find it if
you select Start/Programs/Cubase VST. Run the “Setup MME” program.
Look at the list of MME outputs. Disable each entry that does not represent
an actual piece of hardware. Specifically, if you see Retro AS/1, Reality, or
Gigasampler listed, disable them (select the entry with the mouse, and then
click the “Set inactive” button).
Go ahead and run Cubase. Make sure you can select our ASIO driver and
that it works. So far so good, now exit Cubase.
The next step depends on what other software you have installed:
Reality and Cubase VST
If you want to use Reality with Cubase VST and our hardware, run the
“Setup MME” program again. Set Reality as an active output.
Now, before you run Cubase VST, make sure you run Reality first. Then,
make sure that Reality is not using outputs 1 and 2 of your card. Cubase
will always try to use outputs 1 and 2. If some other program is using these
two outputs already, Cubase will not be able to start the ASIO driver and
you will get many error messages.
Once you've got Reality running and set up properly, go ahead and run VST.
Gigasampler and Cubase VST
NOTE: Gigasampler does not currently support Mona. Support will soon
be provided by a Mona driver upgrade and a patch to Gigasampler.
This is very similar to the directions for using Reality. Run the “Setup
MME” program again. Set Gigasampler as an active output.