output devices vary, so may the settings you’ll need to use to maximize
Use the Multitrack Settings shown above as a starting place when
adjusting your system to optimize the performance of Cool Edit Pro.
Cool Edit Pro will take more time performing background mixing when you
have your tracks assigned to multiple sets of Mona’s outputs. In this
scenario, Cool Edit Pro creates a separate mix for each output device (each
Mona channel-pair). This additional mixing demands more processing
power from your computer. This could result in longer mix times and
possible skipping during playback. If your system is performing sluggishly,
you can temporarily assign all tracks to a single channel-pair while
monitoring to speed things up. When doing so, it is recommended that you
check 32-bit Pre-mixes mode in the Options/Settings/Multitrack screen.
When monitoring to multiple output devices, 16-bit Pre-mixes is the
recommended mode.
Note that the 16-bit and 32-bit modes are playback settings only; that is, the
data on your disk remains at the resolution at which it was recorded.