Title Bar:
This bar contains the program name, version, and the active workbook
file name.
These menus contain the commands and tools for each worksheet.
Each worksheet may contain different commands that supply specific support for
each worksheet. Individual worksheet menus are described in detail in their
specified sections of this manual.
The Toolbar has buttons to serve as shortcuts to the menu commands.
Individual worksheet toolbar buttons are described in detail in their specified
sections of this manual. Each worksheet may have different items on the toolbar
because of the different features offered by each worksheet.
Worksheet Tabs:
These tabs are used to gain access to each worksheet.
Tab Scroll Arrows:
These arrows are used to view other worksheet tabs if the
Horizontal scroll bar is covering them.
This bar slides the Horizontal Scroll bar to the left or right so all or part
of the worksheet tabs can be viewed.
Status Bar:
This bar on the bottom of the worksheet display, shows the available
Help information, mouse pointer X-Y position, current date and time.
Horizontal Scroll Bar:
This bar scrolls the worksheet display horizontally left
and right.
Vertical Scroll Bar:
This bar scrolls the worksheet display vertically up and