® Contact Filters
The Contact Filters command allows the user to enter a drop out filter and Hot air knife
window values.
To set dropout time contact filter:
1) Select a time value from the drop-down box. The user can select values of 0.5,
1.0, and 1.5 seconds. The most common value is 1.0 and is the software default.
These values are used to reject contact bounce caused by turbulent waves.
To set hot air knife contact filter:
1) If your wave solder machine has an air knife, you can select the hot air knife
distance check box to activate the filter. This software default for this filter is
2) Set the hot air knife distance. This settable distance is typically the distance from
the solder wave to the Hot air knife. This may be less if it is seen that the hot air
knife influences this temp prematurely. Range is from 0 to 30.5 cm (0 to12.0 in).
Figure 5- 19: Contact Filters Dialog box