OPEN TO ALL command
The unit can be programmed so that it will open the gate to ANY incoming call (without
checking if the caller is authorized user).
You can activate or cancel this function by SMS command as follows:
To activate the
OPEN TO ALL command
send SMS as follows:
The unit will reply by SMS: “
Open To All : is ON.”
To cancel
OPEN TO ALL command
sends SMS as follows
The unit will reply by SMS: “
Open To All : is OFF.”
How to set the unit to factory default settings
To set the unit to “Factory Default Settings” means the unit will delete all the phone numbers
and reset all the functions to factory default parameters as it was supplied initially.
To set the unit to Factory Default you need to send the following SMS command:
The unit will reply by SMS that says:
“THIS IS A WARNING from ECA Electronic Engineering. Do you wish to DELETE all the
phone numbers and set the unit to factory default ? “
To proceed and default the unit, you must confirm
within 2 minutes
by SMS saying:
(must be in Capital letters)
The unit will confirm by SMS that says
: “The unit was set to factory default”
How to change the Password
The factory default password is 9999 and it can be changed by sending the following SMS message:
The letters X XX X represent the new password.
The unit will confirm by SMS reply:
“The new password is X X X X”
INPUT – 1 : Gate’s STATUS
This input can be used to check the status of the gate and see if the gate is OPEN or
CLOSE. This is done by connecting a magnetic read-switch to this input and to the ground.
If this input is connected to the Ground that means the GATE is CLOSED and if it is not
connected to ground (open circuit) in means the gate is OPEN.
To check the status of this input, send SMS command as follows:
The unit will reply by SMS accordingly:
If input 1 is connected to ground:
The gate is closed.
If input 1 is open circuit:
The gate is open.