2. How to get all the Yearly Timer’s events that are registed in the unit
You can get the Yearly Timer events with the following SMS message
Send SMS:
The unit will reply back by SMS that says:
“No events are recorded for the Yearly Timer”
“The yearly timer is set for:
21.05.18, 07:00AM till 21.05.18, 12:00PM, the system is ON
02.12.18, 00:00AM till 05.12.18, 24:00PM, the system is OFF.”
Please Note
1. The unit is limited to register up to 50 comments (events) for the yearly timer.
2. Each SMS reply from the unit will include two events only, accordingly, the report from the Yearly
Timer will be sent over by number of SMS messages as required.
3. Each event and setting will be automatically deleted from the unit’s memory, after the comment was
executed and finished.
How to clear all the Yearly Timer’s settings and events :
Send SMS:
The unit will reply back by SMS that says:
“No events are recorded for the Yearly Timer”
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Tel: +61 3 95720535