VERSION 1.0 2018
Do not carry out modifications to the following equipment:
The XRGI® system
Gas, supply air, water and electricity pipes and cables
The exhaust gas system
The safety valve and the drain pipe for the heating water
Structural objects that could affect the operational safety of the XRGI® system
Venting the liquid gas tank when installing the XRGI® system:
Before installing the XRGI® system, make sure that the gas tank is vented. In general, the liquefied gas supplier is responsible for
the proper ventilation of the tank. If the tank is poorly ventilated, ignition problems may occur.
In this case, first contact the company/person responsible for filling the tank.
Avoid wrong gas type:
The use of a wrong type of gas leads to ignition and combustion noises as well as to fault shut-downs. Therefore, use only
pro-pane or butane gas according to DIN 51622.
Placement of tank label:
Place the enclosed tank label (gas quality) so that it is clearly visible on the tank or the bottle cabinet, if possible in the vicinity
of the filler neck.
Installation below ground level:
When installing in rooms below ground level, observe and comply with the applicable regulations, rules and standards..
3.3.12 M O D I F I C AT I O N S I N T H E V I C I N I T Y O F T H E X R G I ® S Y S T E M
3.3.13 O P E R AT I O N W I T H L I Q U I D G A S
3.3.14 W O R K I N G O N T H E E L E C T R I C A L S Y S T E M
Do not undertake any modifications to XRGI® components without previous written approval from EC POWER.
Danger to life when working on electrical and electronic components. Only allow skilled and qualified electricians
to perform work on electrical or electronic components in accordance with current, applicable electrical regulations.