9 Technical data
9.8 Applicable standards and regulations
MICRO PANEL XV400 10.4"/12.1"/15"
12/2010 MN04802010Z-EN
Applicable standards and regulations
Tab. 36 Applicable standards and regulations
XV400 10.4"/12.1"/15"; MC2 10.4"/12.1"
EMC (in relation to CE)
EN 61000-6-2
Immunity for industrial areas
EN 61000-6-4
Emission for industrial environments
EN 61131-2
Programmable logic controllers, equipment require-
ments and tests
Explosion protection (in relation to CE)
ATEX 94/9/EC: Zone 22, Category 3D (II 3D Ex II T70°C IP5x):
EN 60079-0 (old: EN 50016)
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
EN 61241-1 (old: EN 50016)
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of
combustible dust
EN 13463
Non-electrical equipment for use in explosion
hazardous areas
10.4" and 12.1" devices with stainless steel front, additional approvals:
EN 1127-1
Explosive atmospheres - explosion protection
EN 60079-2 (old: EN 50016)
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
- pressurized enclosures «p»
EN 60950
UL 60950
Safety of information technology equipment
(Engineering conditions of acceptability by UL,
Chapter 5.2.2,
Product standards
EN 50178
Electronic equipment for use in power installations
EN 61131-2
Programmable logic controllers, equipment require-
ments and tests