Appendix I—Troubleshooting Guide
S811+ Soft Starter
MN03900001E—November 2012
Phase Imbalance
Fault Trip
Fault Warning
Phase imbalance exceeds
parameter value.
Correct imbalance problem with mains.
Increase the
Voltage Fault Imbalance
Disable the fault if the other issues cannot be resolved.
Phase imbalance may be impacted by voltage issues and/or current issues.
Current Imbalance Trip threshold range is 1–100% (default 40%). Current Imbalance Trip Delay range is 0–60 seconds (default is 0.5 seconds).
Voltage imbalance Trip threshold range is 1–100% (default 6%). Voltage Imbalance Trip Delay range is 0–10 seconds (default is 0.5 seconds).
Both Current and Voltage Phase Imbalance protections may be disabled (not recommended).
Low Current Fault
Fault Trip
Fault Warning
No load
Motor being driven by application.
Repair/replace failed couplings.
Increase load.
Low I Trip % FLA
to an acceptable value (0% will disable).
When the internal bypass contactors are closed, the average value of the 3 phase currents is monitored as a % of FLA.
Low I Trip (Motor Under Load) threshold range is 1–100% (default 6%). The Trip Delay is 2 seconds, and is not user settable.
Motor Over Current
Fault Trip
Motor over current with Jam
parameter disabled.
Remove obstruction in motor drive train.
Verify S811+ is properly sized for the application.
This feature is active only with the
Fault Trip parameter disabled, and the internal bypass contactor(s) is closed. This results in a higher current trip
threshold in most cases. Monitors the maximum RMS value of the 3 phase current. Catalog FLA refers to the maximum continuous line current capacity
of the frame size of the S811+, NOT the motor rated FLA. Do not confuse this parameter with Instantaneous Over Current (FC18), Thermal Overload
(FC14), or SCR Over Current (FC60).
Fault Trip
Fault Warning
Excessive mechanical load on
Remove obstruction.
Verify proper FLA setting in Protections Menu.
Jam Fault can be disabled if trips occur during normal operation (Over
Current Fault will provide protection at a higher current threshold of
4X catalog FLA).
The Jam Fault may be disabled (not recommended). The maximum RMS value of the 3 phase currents is monitored when the internal bypass contactors
are closed.
The Jam Fault Trip threshold is 3X Motor FLA and is not user settable. Jam Trip Delay is 1.5 seconds and is not user settable. This parameter results in a
lower current trip threshold than Over Current (FC10) when enabled in most cases.
Internal Bypass
Contactor Open
Fault Trip
Fault Warning
One or more internal bypass
contactors open or fail to seal
electrically during Run operation.
Verify all bypass contactor(s) close (audible noise).
Verify all bypass contactor(s) not opening during run cycle due to
excessive vibration and/or shock. Reduce levels of vibration and/or
Verify control power and wire size meet specifications.
Verify that the control power supply meets the 24 Vdc voltage and
current requirements of the IT soft starter.
This fault may occur even if just one contactor (larger soft starters have multiple contactors) fails to seal electrically, of if the contactors opens during
operation. If the firmware detects that the bypass contactor(s) have failed to close (as measured by the voltage drop across the power poles), the
firmware will command the contactors to release (open) and then reapply the signal to the coil of the contactor(s). this process may repeat for 30
seconds. If after 30 seconds, and the bypass contactor(s) have failed to close electrically, the firmware will discontinue the signal to close the
contactor(s) and the soft starter will rum utilizing the SCRs. Bypass contactors may open during the motor run from excessive shock or 24 Vdc control
voltage sag (insufficient voltage and/or current to maintain contact closure). If the OT soft starter is running continuously on the SCRs (JOG mode) pole
overtemperature fault may occur after a period of time. If the fault occurs after the STOP command, it is likely that one or more contactors did not seal
electrically during the START ramp and the unit has been running on the SCR(s).
S811+ Fault Codes, continued