80 kVA - 130 kVA UPS
User’s and Installation Manual
Revision D (update)
10. Warranty
The product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of
12 months from its original date of purchase.
11. Technical specifications
1. General charasteristics
1.1 UPS models
80 kVA:
PW9340-80I-N / -NHS
PW9340-80I-SCR / -SCRF
100 kVA: PW9340-100I-N / -NHS
PW9340-100I-SCR / -SCRF
130 kVA: PW9340-130I-N / -NHS
PW9340-130I-SCR / -SCRF
1.2 Technology
Double conversion online UPS topology with
- EN 50091-3 and IEC 62040-3
automatic bypass switch and maintenance bypass
1.3 Performance
Class VFI-SS-111 voltage and frequency independent
1.4 Efficiency
92% at nominal load, 90% at half load
1.5 Standards
ENV50091-3, IEC 62040-3
EN50091-1-1, IEC 60950
1.6 Conformity
CE, GOST, ISO 9001
2. Mechanical construction
2.1 Dimensions
UPS cabinet:
1100 x 766 x 1917 mm (*)
- width x depth x height
Battery cabinet:
980 x 766 x 1917 mm
SPM9340 cabinet:
801 x 757 x 1917 mm
2.2 Weight
1040 kg
(-N / -NHS UPS models)
1030 kg
(-SCRF UPS model)
990 kg
(-SCR UPS model)
310 kg
(SPM9340 cabinet)
2.4 Enclosure
2.3 Color
RAL 7035
2.5 Cabling direction
Bottom or top
(*) Centre of gravity with x-, y-, z- coordinates: 580 mm (x=width), 700 mm (y=height), 470 mm (z=depth)
N = IGBT rectifier version with
Harmonic Control
NHS = Parallel Hot Sync
SCR = Thyristor rectifier version
SCRF = SCR with an integral input filter