Revision #2
Instructions for the installation and
Colored graphics on the 3PS faceplate indicate which operator
devices apply: black identifies Isolation and red identifies Ground.
To determine the switch’s initial position, check its dynamic status
indication display.
Each port of the switch mechanisms have padlock hasps (
) which can be used for LOTO. Manual operation of the switch
mechanism is prevented when padlocked.
Figure 14. 3PS Mech interface blocking plate padlock hasps.
Each manual Access Port has a series of blocking plates that must
be moved out of the way before inserting the Manual Operation
T-Handle. For each hasp, the permissive position is to the left and
the preventive position is to the right. Once the hasp for a port
has been moved to its permissive position, a Blocking Plate can be
moved by the Access Port Selector Key (
Figure 15. Access selector key, turned clockwise to its
Isolation switch position. Cover is swiveled up.
To open a Blocking Plate, remove the padlock from its hasp , if
applicable, and slide the hasp to the left or right, as applicable.
With the hasp moved to its enabling position, insert the Selector Key
into the Selector Key port and rotate the Key to either the Ground
(counterclockwise) or the Isolation switch position (clockwise).
Insert the Manual Operation T-Handle into the Port, aligning the
T-handle key tabs with the port’s initial position notch and fully
engaging the T-Handle. Now it will be possible to rotate the T-Handle
either clockwise from Open to Close (
), or counterclockwise
from Close to Open (
Turn the Manual Operation T-Handle to the full extent of its travel.
The switch status indication display will show the switch’s resultant
state, either Connect or Disconnect. The T-Handle can only be
removed when fully in the Disconnect or Connect position for that
Extract the T-handle, turn the Selector Key back from its selected
position to its neutral position (horizontal mark) and remove the Key.
Slide the padlock hasp back to align its hole with the fixed bracket
Following is a representative sequence of 3PS Mech manual
operation steps.