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The unit can currently only be set up via a serial connection until the other interfaces are set 
up and enabled. 

Control Interfaces


The IPC36xx has four control interfaces. By default all interfaces are disabled except for 
the Serial interface which cannot be disabled. Interfaces include: Serial, Telnet, Web, 
and SNMP. 


Serial Interface



The serial interface is a text-menu-driven interface where the user simply selects the 
number next to the Menu item desired. Only one user may be logged on either the serial 
or telnet interface. By default this interface is enabled and cannot be disabled. To 
connect via the serial interface make sure that your unit is connected and turned on. Use 
your favorite serial terminal emulation software (such as HyperTerminal) configured with 
the settings described on page 1. The Interface will then prompt you for your user name 
and password to continue. Please note that user names and passwords are case-


Web Interface



The web interface is a graphics-driven interface using any standard web browser. Your 
browser must support JavaScript and 64-bit encryption to work correctly. Up to 11 users may 
be logged into the web interface at a time regardless of serial or telnet connections. By 
default this interface is enabled, but can be disabled by the user via the serial configuration 
menu. To connect via the Web Browser interface use your favorite browser and point it to the 
IPC unit’s IP address (example:

). The browser will then prompt you 

for a user name and password before you can continue. Please note that user names and 
passwords are case-sensitive. 


Telnet Interface



The telnet interface is a text-menu drive interface much like the serial interface where 
the user simply selects the number next to the Menu item desired. Only one user may be 
logged on either the serial or telnet interface. By default this interface is enabled, but can 
be disabled by the user via the serial configuration menu. To connect to via the telnet 
interface use your favorite telnet program to connect to the unit (port 23 by default). The 
Interface will then prompt you for your user name and password before you can 
continue. Please note that user names and passwords are case-sensitive. 


SNMP Interface



The SNMP interface is disabled by default and can be enabled from the network 
configuration menu/web page.  SNMP v1 and v2c are supported. 

NOTE: The MIB branch and objects have changed for the IPC36xx firmware as of 
version 1.2.x and higher.  If support for the previous MIB is required, contact 
technical support for a firmware downgrade.  The new MIB is downloadable from 
the Help page in the web interface. 


050-3600 Rev. D 


Declarations and updates 
available at



[email protected]    





© 2010 


