OperatiOnal manual
MN156001EN October 2015 www.eaton.com
Refer to this table for troubleshooting.
AC Line Not Qualified
Frequency Not Qualified
Verify Line Frequency is within ±3 Hz.
Three-Phase Loss
Verify AC Line is present.
Single-Phase Loss
Verify all three line voltages are present.
Over Voltage
Verify Line voltage is 10%.
Voltage Imbalance
Verify voltage imbalance is less than 8%.
Fast Under Voltage
Verify voltage is within 50% of nominal (1/4 cycle).
Fast Over Voltage
Verify voltage is 10% of nominal (1/4 cycle).
Auto Detection Out of Range
Unit was unable to Auto Detect voltage or frequency
Disable Auto Detect. Manually enter nominal voltage and
frequency of the electrical system.
Low Order Harmonics OFF
(HCU2 type only)
5th and/or 7th order harmonic disabled
Typically caused by harmonic loads without the minimum
3% impedance or un-isolated power factor correction capacitors
on the load side of the main CTs.
Fan Failure Detected
Power section fan inoperable
Call your local service center.
Filter Trip
Inverter Filter inoperable
Call your local service center.
Gate Drive Trip
Power supply issue on Gate Driver
Call your local service center.
HMI Communication Loss
HMI communication to Control Board loss
Verify Proper connection of HMI RJ45 Com jack.
Call your local service center.
IGBT issue detected
Call your local service center.
MOV Requires Service
MOV issue detected
Call your local service center.
Over Current Condition Detected
Call your local service center.
Over Temperature
Over Temperature detected
Verify air temperatures to the air intake of the unit are within
specification. Verify intake and exhaust air vents are not obstructed.
Parallel Power Wiring Mismatch
L1, L2 and L3 are not powered by the same phase
for each parallel unit
Ensure L1, L2 and L3 of all parallel units are power by the same phase.
Protection Firmware Trip
Firmware issue detected
Call your local service center.
Power Supply Out of Range
Power Supply issue detected
Call your local service center.
Current Sensor Inoperable
Internal Current Sensor issue detected
Call your local service center.
Transformer Over Temperature
Transformer Over Temperature detected
(600 and 690 V units only)
Verify air temperatures to the air intake of the unit are within
specification. Verify intake and exhaust air vents are not obstructed.
High Frequency Voltage
Distortion Condition
Excessive inverter switching frequency detected
on line voltage
Call your local service center.