Instruction leaflet
Effective October 2010
E5-648-C446x electronic preset
counter with four presets (relays)
LCD negative, red-green backlighting
eaton corporation
Input mode time measurement
Start: Edge to Inp A
Stop: Edge to Inp B
Start: 1. Edge to Inp B
Stop: 2. Edge to Inp B
Timing can only be controlled
via the Gate input
Inp A and Inp B: no function
The timer is reset by means of a RESET
(to zero when adding, to preset 2 when
subtracting) and then starts timing again.
Timing is stopped with adding
operations when preset 2 is reached.
Timing is stopped with subtracting
operations when zero is reached.
A RESET during the timing process
also causes this to stop.
Inp A and Inp B: no function
Gate control for timing
Timing takes place when the
Gate input is not active
Timing takes place when the
Gate input is active
User input
When the MPI input is activated, the
display is “frozen” and remains “frozen”
until the MPI input is deactivated.
Internally the preset timer continues
When the MPI input is activated, the
current count value for the preset that has
just been selected will be adopted as the
new preset value. See also 7.9
When the MPI input is activated, the preset
timer will be set to the value specified in
the parameter SEtPt. See also 7.10
Lock input
When the Lock input is activated,
the programming is inhibited
When the Lock input is activated, the
setting of the preset values is inhibited
When the Lock input is activated, the
setting of the preset values and the
programming are both inhibited Main menu for output operations
Main menu for determining the operation
of the outputs
Count mode ADD
Outputs active when
count status ≥ preset value
Reset to zero
Count mode SUBTRACT
Outputs 1, 3 and 4 active when
count status ≤ preset values 1, 3 and 4
Output 2 active when
count status ≤0
Reset to preset value 2
Count mode ADDING
with automatic reset
Outputs 1, 3 and 4 active when
count status ≥ preset values 1, 3 and 4
Output 2 (timed signal) active when
count status = preset value 2
Automatic reset to zero when
count status = preset value 2
Reset to zero
with automatic reset
Outputs 1, 3 and 4 active when
count status ≤ preset values 1, 3 and 4
Output 2 (timed signal) active when
count status = 0
Automatic reset to preset value 2 when
count status = 0
Reset to preset value 2
Count mode ADDING with automatic
reset and Batch counter
Output 2 (timed signal) active when
main counter = preset value 2
Automatic reset to zero when
main counter = preset value 2
Output 3 active when
main counter ≥ preset value 3
Batch counter counts the number
of automatic repetitions of preset 2
Output 1 resp. 4 active when
batch counter ≥ preset 1 resp. 4
Manual reset sets both counters to zero
Electrical reset sets only main counter
to zero