Instruction Book
IB182942EN July 2018 www.eaton.com
Replacement Circuit Breaker
5.11.5 15kV Rtmoval Proctdurt (DST-2-15-VR
Domtstic and Canadian Rotary Racking Vtrsion)
a. To remove the circuit breaker from the cell, verify that the breaker
is in the “OPEN” position and the motor cutoff switch is in the
“OFF” position. Verify that the rotary racking access handle is
in the retaining slot. (That handle would have been placed there
at the time prior to racking the circuit breaker to the “connect”
position.) Place the rotary racking handle on the rotary racking
hex head. Rotate the racking handle counter-clockwise to move
the circuit breaker from the “Connect” position to the “Disc/Test”
position. As the circuit breaker leaves the “Connect” position,
the shutters will start to close after the primary disconnects have
cleared, isolating the breaker from the line and load connections.
Continue rotating the racking handle counter-clockwise until the
position indicators on the breaker indicate the “Disc/Test” position
and it is not possible to turn the racking handle with normal force.
(Damage to the circuit breaker will occur if the racking handle is
forced counter-clockwise beyond this point of resistance.) In this
position, the secondary disconnect control power connections
remain connected so the breaker can be operated either
electrically or mechanically. Remove the racking handle prior to
performing any breaker tests.
Lift tht racking acctss handlt
and movt it to tht ltft allowing it to drop so that tht racking
scrtw htx htad is covtrtd. This is a vtry important sttp as it
unlocks tht foot-optrattd inttrlock pttal to allow complttt
withdrawal of tht circuit brtaktr.
For Canadian versions with separate disconnect and test positions, it
will stop at the “test” position. Electrical and mechanical tests of the circuit
breaker can be performed in this position. Remove the racking handle and
reposition the racking handle as instructed above prior to performing any
breaker tests.
b. If the circuit breaker is to be withdrawn from the cell, depress
the foot-operated interlock petal while pulling the breaker our of
the circuit breaker compartment using the handles on the front of
the breaker.
For Canadian versions with separate “disconnect” and “test” positions,
when stepping on the interlock petal and pulling the breaker out, it will stop
at another mechanical stop. The circuit breaker is now in the “disconnect”
position. Stepping on the interlock petal again will permit the final release of
the circuit breaker so that it can be pulled to the fully withdrawn position and
out of the circuit breaker compartment.
c. During this travel from the “Disc/Test” position, the circuit
breaker closing springs will discharge automatically with a loud
crashing noise. At this point, the breaker will be open with the
springs discharged.
If through-the-door racking is desired, the cell door must be modified
by cutting a hole in it which aligns with the rotary racking hex head. A sub-
cover must also be installed to block access to the racking hex head until
required. Even with this modification, it will be necessary to position the
circuit breaker in the “Disc/Test” (or “Test” position on some Canadian
versions) with the circuit breaker compartment door open. Only after doing
that, can closed door racking be performed from the “test” position to the
“connect” position. The motor disconnect switch can be accessed while the
door is open for installation or removal process, or flipped on or off with the
racking handle.