Diesel Engine Fire Pump Controller
Label -
If the input label is set to Custom Input, this menu item
will become active and allow the user to enter the desired
input name in. The label will be limited to 20 characters in
length and will include all standard ASCII characters.
Energize Common Alarm -
If required, the common alarm
relay (6CR) can be programmed to change states when this
input is received. Default value is Disabled.
Link to Relay -
All inputs can be linked to an output relay. If the
relay has been linked to another input or is programmed for
another alarm, the program will show what the output is
programmed for and ask if the relay should be reassigned.
Default value is Disabled.
Link to Light -
All inputs can be linked to one of the future
LED’s. If the LED is already linked to another input or is
programmed for another alarm, the program will show what
the LED is programmed for and ask if the LED should be
reassigned. Default value is Disabled.
Latched Until Reset -
The alarm signal can be programmed to
latch in an on state until the ACK/ALARM or RESET buttons
are pressed. In this case if there are any associated relays or
LED’s linked to the input, they will stay active until the ACK/
ALARM or RESET buttons are pressed. Default value is No.
Normal Input State -
All inputs can be programmed to operate
using a normally open or normally closed or normally closed
input. Default value is Open.
Timer -
A timer can be programmed to delay the time before
the alarm becomes active. Default value is 0 seconds. Range
is 0-500 seconds. The timer will reset if the input is removed
before the time has timed out.
Custom Outputs -
The optional output relays, as well as the
Future 1 and 2 relays can be programmed to operate based on
generic values. The Custom Output Menu will display each
output, what it is programmed for and if there are any
associated future inputs and/ or lights linked to the output.
Please refer to Table 3 for the generic values the optional
outputs can be programmed for. Following is a description of
the menu items in the Custom Outputs menu.
Table 2. Generic Custom Input Labels
Custom Input
Relief Valve Discharge
High Fuel
Jockey Pump Run
Secondary Pump Run
Low Reservoir
High Reservoir
Reservoir Empty
Pump Room Door Open
Supervisory Power Fail
Low Room Temperature
Fuel Spill
Low Hydraulic Pressure
System Overpressure
Table 3. Generic Outputs
Low Pressure
High Pressure
Common Alarm
Low Fuel
Low Suction
Interlock On
Fail To Start
Engine Run
Engine Test Running
Weekly Test Timing
Call to Start
AC Power Failure Alarm
AC Power Failure Start
Low Room Temperature
Remote Start
Deluge Start
Manual Start
Low Pressure Start
Pump Start
RPT Timing
Sequential Start Timing
Charger #1 Failure
Charger #2 Failure
Battery #1 Failure
Battery #2 Failure
Off Mode
Manual Mode
Auto Mode
Pump Room Trouble
Engine Room Trouble
Controller Trouble
Sensor Failure
Backup Battery Low
Low Oil Pressure
High Engine Temperature
Overspeed Shutdown
ECM Sel. Switch in Alt.
Fuel Injection Malfunc.
Fuel Stop
Crank Battery #1
Crank Battery #2
Coil #1 Failure
Coil #2 Failure
Speed Switch Fault