Copyright Eaton Corp. 2007, All Rights reserved.
Remove the old screws and discard the old friction
Note :
Use of a pinpoint torch to heat the screws and
soften the Loctite
will ease removal of the screws.
Clean all burrs, corrosion etc. from the friction disc
core or mounting surface.
Position the friction material to align the screw holes.
Install several screws loosely at several of the outer-
most screw hole locations to properly align the friction
discs or blocks.
For friction discs (sizes 18 and 24), install the remain-
ing screws in an even, crosswise pattern per the pro-
cedure in the next paragraph. When installing screws
in friction blocks (sizes 36 and 48), install and tighten
the screws from the centermost position in the block,
then progress towards the outer edges of the block.
Following the above pattern, install one screw at a
time by applying Loctite
#262 to the screw threads
(use Loctite
#242 for size 18) and tightening the
screw to the proper torque value. Tighten screws to 15
ft.-lb. (75 in-lb. for size 18). Install and torque each
remaining screw immediately after application of
, then proceed to the next screw. Be sure to
remove, apply Loctite
and properly tighten the initial
screws used for alignment of the friction disc or block.
Note the relevant safety precautions in the following
column when assembling screws.
may cure prior to properly tightening
the screw if not tightened to the proper torque
value immediately after installation.
Use only Airflex-supplied screws.
#262 must be shaken prior to appli-
#262 may irritate sensitive skin. Refer
to the product label for proper safety precau-
Tensioner friction disc assemblies (7) of size 36" and
larger require that the friction material be machined
flat after assembly, to allow for even contact and mini-
mize wear-in. Machine the friction surface perpendicu-
lar to the bore splines within .003", and parallel to the
opposite face within .010".
Use appropriate safety equipment and dust
collection systems when machining friction
After replacement of friction material, re-assemble the
tensioner per Section 4.9. During start-up, observe
wear-in and operation precautions per Section 3.0,
After replacement of friction material, a mini-
mum wear-in period of four hours at 50% of
the rated horsepower is recommended for the
friction couple to achieve rated torque.
Wear Plate Replacement
Note :
When replacing wear surfaces, it is recom-
mended that the mating friction material be replaced
or machined flat to ensure good contact between the
mating surfaces. See Table 13 for wear limits.
Disassemble the tensioner per Section 4.3.
Remove the screws and locknuts holding the wear
plates and remove the wear plates. If the wear plates
cannot be easily lifted off, gently tap the O.D. to break
the gasket seal.
Do not attempt to break the gasket seal by
prying between the wear plate and housing.
Damage to the sealing surfaces may occur.
Inspect the water passages and, if necessary, use a
wire brush to clean them. If re-painting is necessary,
sand blast the water passages and paint the surfaces
Epoxy #9052 Polymine coating. Dry
film thickness should be 8 to 12 mils (0,2 to 0,3 mm).
Be careful not to allow the paint to get into the seal
grooves or onto the face of the support nubs.
Follow manufacturer's instructions and
proper safety precautions for application of
epoxy coatings.