E8 D1 Manual
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Exit Button or Intercom gate release:
Connect common to block 7 terminal
2 (COM) and signal to terminal 1 (dual open) or terminal 2 (single open). This
will activate both arms on double swing setup. If double setup and you want
only 1 gate to open (pedestrian access) connect signal to terminal 3.
For exit buttons it does not matter which way you connect the wires at block 7
terminal 1 and 2.
Close Switch Port:
Used where
the user requires to “CLOSE” the gate only.
It can either function as a single or double gate close operation. DIP switch 5
must be set to ON before single gate operation can be used.
Safety infrared beams:
Connect beams 12V power to block 5, terminal 1 (+)
and 2 (-). Connect beams common to terminal 3 (COM) and beams signal
(normally closed or NC) to 4.
Note: You will need to remove the small loop / jumper wire that is positioned
between terminal 3 and 4. Replace the loop / jumper wire when beams are not
in use!
Used when a 12Vdc lock is used to keep gates from being forced open
when fully closed. Connect to “lock” at block 3. DIP switch 2 is placed to ON to
allow lock tongue to release freely a second before gate performs an open
Loop Detector / Free Exit Function:
Connect the Loop Detector signal
cables to Block 6.
In the Free-Exit-Mode, a command via the loop detector or underground
motion sensor will cause the gate the open. If another command is made (i.e
another car passes through) during the opening phase, it has no effect. The
gate will continue the opening stroke.
When the gate has been fully opened and stopped, the auto-close timer
begins. This is the Pause-Period.
If not further command is received, the gate will automatically close back at
the end of the pause-period (auto-close time).
If another command is made during the Pause Period, the cycle for Auto-close
timer will reset and gate auto closing will commence after the end of the new
If a command is made during the closing stroke (i.e. a car passes by the loop
while the gate is closing), the gate will pause and reopens.
Important Note:
Photo-beams must be fitted as an additional safety device when using Free-
Exit Function and / or Auto-Close function is used.