Removable Back Option
PNG50171, PNG50172,
PNG50173, PNG50174
To attach the Removable Back to the
unit, slide the back assembly into the
seat assembly as shown. Insert
hardware into back tubes with tabs
facing upward and toward the back.
Tighten securely with knobs provided.
NOTE: Make sure
hardware is placed
into back as shown.
Back Option
PNG50062, PNG50066,
PNG50067, PNG50068
To assemble the back option, remove
the 2 bolts from the back, slide the back
assembly into the seat assembly as
shown. Tighten securely with bolts
provided, then add the swing-away
arms. Remove the nut and lock washer
from the arm. Place the arm onto the
unit keeping the arm assembly together.
Place nut and lock washer onto bolt on
the inside of the unit. Tighten securely
to desired level of tension.
Option Assembly
Page 5 - Option Assembly
Options & Part Detail - Page 18
Back Option assembly for
International orders only .