4): Placing the heating cable
The heating cable should be laid on the
mounting strips in a zigzag pattern.You can
look up the correct distance between the
coils in the cable using the table on page 2.
You should start laying the cable where the
PVC pipe comes out of the wall. At the end of
the cable, you simply stop, you do not have to
return the end to the connection point (the
PVC pipe).
The floor sensor of the thermostat is placed
in a PVC tube between the heating cables.
The distance from the wall to the sensor is a
minimum of 50 cm (see photograph).
N.B. Be sure to seal off the open end of the
PVC tube with tape so that the sensor does
not come into contact with the self-levelling
floor screed.
5): Check cable
Do not lay the heating cable in places where
the floor will subsequently have to be drilled
(for example when placing a toilet)!
The heating cable may not cross over itself or
be shortened. If you have any cable over, you
should reduce the distance between the coils
(minimum 6 cm).You can test the cable to
make sure it works properly by connecting it
directly to the main electricity (230 VAC).
After a few minutes, the cable should feel
warm to touch. Take care! The cable has to be
completely laid before you do this.
6): Levelling
The cable must be covered by a cementitious
material such as a self-levelling floor screed.
The screed has to have a minimum thickness
of 6 mm. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions for levelling the floor.