angled downwards. However, it’s getting a bit crowded in there and they can also
foul the bogie on tighter radius curves. We suggest fitting the horn to the bogie
front against the guard iron. If you opt to do this, reduce the length of the mounting
bar to just above the first horn and butt it up to the bottom of the front channel.
Now would be a good time to assemble the control desk details as per the diagram and check
for fit inside the cab. Solder a 14BA cheesehead bolt (or a short pin) into the central hole of the brake
wheel E18 to mount it onto the desk and a short length of thin wire (about 2.5mm long) through the
hole in the wheel spoke to form a turning handle.
On the driver’s side of the cab you will need to drill three 0.7mm dia. holes through the seam
between the cab end and the body side moulding. These should be positioned to align with the other
door hinges (approx. 4mm, 20mm and 28.5mm as measured from the bottom of the body). Also, open
drill the holes for the long handrails E22 (approx. 4mm 21mm and 38mm as measured from the
bottom of the body and 1.5mm from the right hand edge of the door). Check these measurements
against the pilot holes provided in other locations to ensure accurate alignment on your particular
model. These long cab handrails were painted body colour, so fitting now is appropriate.
**Note - Door hinges are always on the left of the door.
Prepare the exhaust stacks C21 and mount on the rear of each unit.
Position each stack to clear the rear windows (DMBS) and to clear the corridor
connection, the final position being approximately as shown right. The bottom mounting bracket should
be 17mm from the bottom of the end.
Decide whether to fit the small destination box (C6), or the larger headcode box (E15 & E16).
Casting C6 (destination box) simply sits directly onto the cab roof gutter. Some trimming will be
required to achieve a good fit of the boxes around the complex curves of the cab roof.
LARGE HEADCODE ONLY: Fold E15 to form the box ensuring the corners are square and
solder the joints. Offer the unit to the cab so that the bottom of the front is about 2mm above the
gutter. Some filing and filling will be required to achieve a fit that makes the box appear to be an
integral part of the cab roofline. Patience is the key here.
The front of the large headcode (E16) has not come
out right on the design - sorry about that. What should have
been produced is a front cover with a raised beading around
the opening. However in the process of adding the guard’s
door handles inside the opening we inadvertantly messed up
the main article! Having removed it from the main fret and
removed the handles you will find a half etched line (broken in places) on the rear. This etched line
represents the finished size of the appeture, carefully remove the material to the outer edges of the
half-etched line. On the front you will see an unbroken half-etched line - solder a beading of soft wire
(0.4mm) into this to produce a raised beading. Clean up as necessary. Once painted the cover can
be glued to a piece of clear styrene with headcode behind and attached to the front of (the now also
painted) headcode box.
49.3) If the large headcode is used a destination display made from E27 & E28 is supplied for fitting
Half etch
Raised bead