**TIP - Adding fillets of scrap styrene between the underside of the cab and the bufferbeam will greatly
increase the security of the assembly. Aligning the fillets with the underframe ribs will ensure they will not
interfere with fitting other details, or the couplings later.
The rear bufferbeams should be fitted directly to the floor moulding. Take care as it is quite
difficult to achieve this without also gluing the floor to the end of the body. Initially tack the bufferbeam
in place then remove the floor from the body and finish off the job, reinforcing the joint as appropriate.
You may wish to leave the bufferbeam details until later as they are quite vulnerable otherwise proceed as
follows for both front and rear:
Lamp irons (E17) are fitted to the outer edge of the buffer stocks.
First remove the outer two molded bolt heads from the face of the buffer
stock. Bend the lamp iron to form a joggle using the half etchs as a guide
and glue to the face of the buffer stock, see right. Superglue is
recommended for this.
The MU plugs and sockets need a little explaining: the cabs have closed sockets and stowed cables,
which are represented by C1c and C1d respectively. The rear has sockets with plugs inserted and cables
in use (i.e. non-stowed), which are represented by C1a and C1b respectively.
What is required to prepare the MU sockets depends on your preferences. If you want to connect the two
unit together with MU ‘cables’ some method of attaching cables is necessary, if not the castings can
simply be fitted as is, with the exception of C1d which should always be prepared as described.
After cleaning up the castings square off the ends of the
cable plugs (C1a, b and d) and make a pop mark in the ends.
Drill a small hole in the castings (0.6mm) just deep enough
to secure a short length of wire. Insert short pieces of wire leaving
about 3mm protruding onto which the cable sleeve will be fixed. On
part C1d there are four holes to be drilled because the cables are
depicted as stowed so form a pair of loops.
Fit the castings to the underside of the bufferbeams centrally under each buffer as follows
when looking end on: C1d cab left, C1c cab right, C1b non-cab left, C1a non-cab right. Remember
you’ll be working upside down so it’s easy to get the order wrong! Since the rear bufferbeam is
attached to the underfloor you might wish to leave them until you’re adding those details, but if you
do don’t forget about them.
The floor molding can now be removed from the body and the remaining details fitted to the body and
The vac pipes (casting C5) emerge from the bufferbeam at approximately buffer centre height
and about 6mm either side of the coupling hook. Bend the ‘flexible’ part of the pipe so that it twists
towards the adjacent buffer stock and glue the mounting bracket to the rear of the bufferbeam. The
position of the vac pipes changed over time so if possible check photographs before fitting.
The air horns (castings C2) go to the driver’s side on the inside of the solebar and are