Thank you for your patronage to East R/C! Your support of our products is tremendously
appreciated. We are a family owned and operated company and are avid R/C modelers,
just like you. By purchasing our products you enable us to produce more products for our
modeling friends across the globe. Thank you!
The SLEDG is designed to be a lightweight 3D foamy, capable of any 3D maneuver in the
book while feeling much lighter on the stick than that of a traditional foamy airplane.
Build time should be around 2 hours and we have included a Landing Gear option, should
you choose to use it. The hardware package is of only the best quality available to us and
we have left no stone unturned. Everything you need, less power plant and radio system,
is included. So, get to building and please, let us know what you think. Your feedback
helps us to better improve upon our products.
Thanks again!
East R/C