Assembly Illustrations Table Top Continued
** Please note new opening shape on cover page**
5. After bricks have been laid out, cut inswool and lay against oven
liner side walls (both sides) as shown. Do not glue inswool to oven
liner material.
6. Use high temperature caulk on the edges of the oven liner sidewalls
and glue oven liner front wall to side walls as shown.
7. Cut inswool and place over front oven wall as shown. Do not glue
inswool to oven liner front.
8. Lay Isokern front wall up against inswool covering the oven liner
front wall and mortar to the Isokern shelf pieces. Do not mortar to
the inswool.
9. Place Earthcore mortar on to edges of front and rear Isokern walls.
Set the Isokern side walls into place as shown.
10. After using high temperature caulk to seal the oven liner top
plate on to oven liner walls, lay inswool accross top of oven liner
top. (Trim if necessary) Seal Isokern top plate with Earthcore mortar
to Isokern walls as shown.
Shown with original opening.